
Teaching Notes


Economics of Global Business: Fall 2019, 2020 (syllabus)


PhD Macro Public Finance: Fall 2020 (syllabus)

Part I - Classical Public Finance Revisited

Lecture 0: Introduction to Macro Public Finance Slides, Lecture Notes

Lecture 1: Commodity Taxation and Productive Efficiency

Lecture 2: Wealth and Capital Taxation in Ramsey Model: Chamley-Judd Slides

Lecture 3: Wealth and Capital Taxation Revisited: Straub-Werning Slides

Lecture 4: Nonlinear Income Taxation Slides, Deterministic Optimal Control Notes

Part II - Dynamic Income Taxation

Lecture 5: Dynamic Taxation I: Capital Taxation Slides

Lecture 6: Dynamic Taxation II: Labor Income Taxation Slides

Lecture 7: Optimal Taxation with Endogenous Wages
Optimal Taxation and Human Capital Policies, S. Stantcheva
Redistribution and Performance Pay, P. Doligalski, A. Ndiaye, N. Werquin

Lecture 8: Disability Insurance Slides

Part III - Contemporary Topics in Macro PF

Lecture 9: Taxation and Aggregate Shocks Slides

Lecture 10: Efficiency of Wealth vs Capital Gains Taxation
Use it or Lose it: Efficiency Gains from Wealth Taxation, Guvenen et al.
Efficient Redistribution, Boar and Midrigan

Lecture 11: Gender

Lecture 12: Discrimination and Racial Inequality Slides


Macro-Development for Policymakers (syllabus)

Lecture 1: Introduction. Overview of Macroeconomics. Overview of Development Economics. Key Facts on the Senegalese economy. Slides

Lecture 2: Growth, Infrastructure, and Technological Change. Slides

Lecture 3: Productivity and Human Capital in Developing Countries. Slides


Discussion of "Larger transfers financed with more progressive taxes? On the optimal design of taxes and transfers" by Ferriere, Grubener, Navarro, and Vardishvili, National Tax Association Meetings 2021

Discussion of "Optimal Fiscal Policy in a Model with Uninsurable Idiosyncratic Shocks" by Sebastian Dyrda and Marcelo Pedroni, National Tax Association Meetings 2021

Discussion of "The Taxation of Couples" by Felix Bierbrauer, Pierre Boyer, Andreas Peichl, and Daniel Weishaar, National Tax Association Meetings 2020

Discussion of "Politics and Income Taxes: Progress and Progressivity" by Marcus Berliant and Pierre Boyer, National Tax Association Meetings 2020

Discussion of "Capitalist Human Capital" by Vincenzo Quadrini, Qi Sun and , Yicheng Wang, Tsinghua Workshop in Macroeconomics 2019

Discussion of ``Politically feasible reforms of non-linear tax systems" by Felix J. Bierbrauer and Pierre C. Boyer, Fourth Taxation Theory Conference 2018

Discussion of ``Income Taxation, Firing Costs and Insurance within Firm'' by Pawel Doligalski, National Tax Association Meetings 2017

Discussion of ``Inverse December Fever'' by Zareh Asatryan, Andreas Peichl, Thomas Schwab, and, Johannes Voget, National Tax Association Meetings 2017

Academic Life

"Organising a high-quality conference with equal access: Lessons learned from the VMACS Junior Conference", [Article]

''NU Economics Alumni Spotlight, Q&A with Abdoulaye Ndiaye: Reflections on diversity in economics", [Article]